CIP Unit ユニット Osaka Sanitary Co., Ltd.
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CIP Unit



◆We would suggest the constitution of the washing line suitable for various production facilities and, the most suitable plan that considered operative aspects such as shortening in washing time to you.
◆1.0S~4.0S is batting order. As for our plan, the interlocking movement driving with the other companies’ facilities is possible optionally, too.
◆The touch panel method of the simple operation
◆The difference of the worker disappears, and it is got a uniform washing effect by this method.
◆This is program less, and the change of various set points is possible.
◆This output washing data with trend graph indication and a CSV file, and you can confirm it.
◆Shortening, promotion of efficiency are possible in the time for washing trip.
◆Simple about washing history, abnormal traceability.
◆Sequential operation with other companies equipment is also possible as option.